Word of the day 10 : magister , shikshak


Word of the day : magister

Meaning : Teacher
plural : Magistri
Second declension noun

Magister discipulis fabulam narrat.
Teacher tells stories to the students.

Related words:
Discipula - student
ludas, schola : school

Sanskrit word for teacher : शिक्षक 

Synonyms : गुरु अध्याापक 

मम शिक्षक: कथानि वदति | My teacher tells stories.
शिक्षकम् आदरपूर्वकॆन नमाामि |I bow to the teacher with respect.

Related words : विध्याार्थि   - student विद्यालय - school छात्र - student  विश्वविद्यालय - university


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