Latin word of the day : aqua, jalam

 Latin word of the day : aqua

Meaning : water

e.g.  Puella parva aquam portat. - Little girl carries water. 

Aves aquam bibunt. Birds drink water.

We see many words deriving from aqua in English like aquatic animal.

Related word : terra - land

Sanskrit word for water :  जलं 

Meaning : water

अहं प्रतिदिनं प्रात​:काले जलं पिबामि । I drink water every morning.
ऋणं क​ृत्वा जलं पिबेत् | We have to drink water even by borrowing money. 

कृपया एकचषकं जलं आनयतु | Please bring a glass of water.

Of course the second sentence says घ्रतं  which is clarified butter. But the rate at which we are wasting water and destroying water bodies, that day may not be very far away when we have to borrow money to buy water.

The word jal has many related words in Sanskrit. 

Some examples are 

जलााशय  -dam जलचर - aquatic animals  जलज - lotus  जलप्रळय - end of the world caused by flood

And land in Sanskrit is भू , भूमि   प्रथ्वि 




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