Word of the day lego - पठ

 Latin word of the day : lego - legere - to read

Conjugation of lego

ego legō
is legit
nōs légimus

e.g.  librum lego - I read a book.

Puella non legit. - Girl does not read

Feminae libras legint. Women read books.

Mater non legit sed fabulam narat. Mother does not read but tells a story. 

Related word : scribo - write

Sanskrit word for Read : पठ

Conjugations of path
पठति - he/she/it reads
पठतः - they both read
पठन्ति - they read
पठसि - you read
पठथः - you both read
पठथ - you all read
पठामि - I read
पठावः - we both read
पठामः - we all read


बालिका किं पठति? बालिका पुस्तकं पठति । 

What does the girl read? The girl reads a book.

अहं प्रतिदिनं  संस्क​ृतं पठामि  | I read Sanskrit everyday. 

 Related word - लिख् write



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