Cure for vaccine hesitancy

 Due to the current environment - cloudy, without a ray of sunshine, I had a blog-hesitancy. But I wouldn't be much of a blogger if I don't blog, right?

So, now I have come across a topic, which I am sure will not offend the sentiments of people, nor will it get me into lot of troubles. And the topic is vaccine hesitancy.

I read a news-paper article about a naxal - a non-urban one, I think, surrendering himself because he was getting some cash for rehabilitation. That is good news, one less naxal to worry about. But that set me thinking, we Indians are very financially motivated people. We will do most things if we get some "free offer". So why can't this nature be put to use for getting maximum people vaccinated. People bhi khush, corona bhi vanish!

So let us say it will be announced that any one who gets a vaccine gets one liter of petrol one kg of rice free. There and then, in the vaccination booth - get the jab, fill your bag with rice! Won't it be wonderful. The poor people will have one less day to worry about. Rich people can donate this rice to one of their servants. Middle class people can use this rice if some way or the other, being so innovative they are. 

The offers can be more creative. May be for people in the range 18-22, a benefit of 1 or 10 GB of data can be doled out. For uncles and aunties - like me, free assistance to their mobile apps for one month can be offered.

 Now, I know, there is a economic downturn. It may be difficult for the government to offer 138 crores kgs of rice. Or double of that including both doses. But again, all the uncles and aunties can be asked to chip in - for the benefit of our country. (and not to lose family members or themselves in the third wave). Tell them that " Indian people are evil - they don't care for themselves or others. So help them get vaccinated by helping the government offer them incentive to get vaccinated." Through viral whatsapp messages and ever audible, ever loud television channels. 


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