Home coming

 Heidi Bergman - played by Julia Roberts is the program administrator in a rehabilitation facility for war veterans. It is called Home coming. Its intention is to make the soldiers' lives easier by helping them to cope with their PTSDs and other traumas and prepare them for outside world. 

She holds regular sessions with these inmates and records their conversations. She talks to Walter Scot - one such soldier. Walter had made friends in the war, played pranks with them and also seen them die in front of his eyes. He gradually opens up about all these in his sessions. 

Walter's room mate Joe is skeptic. He says that the facility has no intention of helping them and they have been lied to constantly. They may not even be in Florida. So to prove who is wrong, they decide to venture outside the campus. The receptionist asks them to wait while she talks on the telephone about some form. Joe snatches the key of a car from her desks and run towards the parking. Walter tries to stop him in vain and then joins him in his car ride. They drive on and on and realize they are in the middle of nowhere. Finally they see some houses which happens to be a retirement community. They are caught and brought back.

Heidi's boss keeps telling her on the phone that the her job is to extract as much information from them as possible. She tries to protest sending Joe back home as he is in the middle of his medication and stopping it will have severe withdrawal effects. But all in vain. Joe is sent home. Where he is unable to cope and is sent to a psychiatric facility.

The story keeps alternating between past and present. Coming to present - a department of defense officer is investigating into a complaint against Home coming and he hunts down Heidi in a small restaurant. She waits on his table and when he asks her about the facility she tells she does not remember much. She does not remember the name Walter. 

Back to past, Walter's mom calls her son through Skype. And wonders why they do not have mobiles and why are they being kept there. Walter tries to assuage her fears. She calls up the officials of veteran department and comes to know that this program is not run by government but by a private company called Geist -  which is the manufacturer of shampoos and toilet cleaners.

The officer is trying to find the veracity of the complaint and Heidi's boss Colin who tries to determine whether she will talk about them to the department.

A good serial - which means it is different from the typical stories. Watch it - we  have all the time in the world. 

See, how willingly and easily we accept this story of snooping into the lives of  "soldiers" and exploiting the state funds to alter the minds of the people and make them forget "unwanted" truths. Then why are we surprised at the current scandal?


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