
Showing posts from March, 2022
 Like some of the great people, I too stay awake for 18 hours a day.  But not solving the problems of the nation or universe at all. Because of in-som-nia. And because of this, I make new morning resolutions. Every single morning. With the hope that, the resolutions will some  how will in the dawn faster.  But my resolutions are not like " I will solve world hunger. I will find a way to solve terrorism. Or save the planet" Am I an idealistic dreaming teenager to think of such resolutions? My resolutions are much more down to earth.  Like I will walk and visit the pharmacy and bring the long pending list of medicines. Then I will go to the tailor and give long pending set of cloth be stitched. Like all resolutions of all people, these too remain unstarted and unfinished. 


 The town famous for being southern most end of India. And for a place where you can see three seas merge- Indian Ocean, Arabic sea and Bay of Bengal. The most famous attraction here is Vivekananda memorial. Which is situated sound 400 m inside the ocean. The ferry ride to this will have mile long queue But pay 159  extra and the special entry queue is almost non existent.  The memorial has a building on top of a huge rock. Inside the building which is beautiful and very well maintained, there is statue of Vivekananda. Apparently he meditated there in 1892.  There is also another building here, which houses the pada of Parvati. The natural foot shaped rock is said to be the place where Parvati prayed.  Be prepared to stand in a very long line for the return ferry ride.  The famous Kanyakumari temple is close to the rock memorial. The nose ring of the goddess which is said to light up the ships in the sea - I could not see it. The priest was blocking the idol when we finally went near t

Maths quiz for 8th

 By the way, I have added some mcq and some solved questions for maths 8th standard ncert syllabus. You can find the quiz here. 

Kroora darshana

 The sold out media, godi media, mouth pieces of the government - yes, we gave plenty of names to them. But to what purpose? They have not stopped their venom spewing work, or nama keertane of congress or shameless sycophancy.  And unfortunately they have so many followers, who believe, who want to believe the endless lies being spread in the name of news and discussion.  Not a single issue of any importance to common man is raised by these tv channels. Inflation, what is it? Unemployment, hate politics, suppression of dissent? Never heard of these things. Not in this great country being "ruled by" god fearing, extremely patriotic, rulers who are born to make our country "great again".  But seriously, every evening during dinner time, I feel my head will split. I want to scream and shout and hit television or bang my head. I can't take their brazen lies any more. And the name kroora darshana - which I copied from some youtube channel is apt. Because in their zea

Silence is not golden always

 I have so many questions for the opposition parties in India.  a) Why are you not opposing the hate propaganda being spewed by the government? b) Why are you not asking questions about inflation, loss of freedom of speech, loss of transparency in the government? c) Why are keeping quiet when there is an effort going on to destabilize our constitution, secular structure, democracy? d) Why are you not opposing in the parliament the hate and division propaganda using television and digital media? There by letting people be brain washed against a community? e) Why are you keeping quiet when you are called anti-national without an iota of proof? f) If you keep quiet, how are supposed to believe that you are in any way better than the ruling disposition?


 We all love To kindle fire To burn everything And rejoice its beauty  Until the day  It Swallows us & Turns us to into ashes

The fault in our stars

Let us say this person is facing capital punishment. But the execution day is not yet set. It may be tomorrow, or next month or after 10 years. What will be the feelings of the person.  Terrifying! I think he/she will say kill me now and get it over with and beg too.  Well, this story I am reading is about such a death sentence - cancer. Advanced stage with no hope of cure. The patient waiting for death is 15 year old girl.  She is having lung cancer and has to walk with oxygen cylinder everywhere.  Of course, she does not want to go any where or meet any one. And she keeps re-reading one particular book about a cancer patient again and again.  Her mother is concerned about her depression and drags her to a support group. Not wanting to hurt her mother girl goes there and sits where people tells stories about miracles and such b***t.   I read a twitter post two days ago saying "karm ka phal sada milta hai. achche karmoka bhi, bure karmoka bhi". You are absolutely wrong, my de
 I was reading in article from Pocket - a social book marking service about Kafka. Or rather the difficulty in reading Kafka and writing about Kafka. The author of the article said that he did not want to write about author's life by  grabbing the material from internet where his readers can easily get these same materials. Yes. I understand the feeling. Today I decided I will learn more about Ubuntu - having failed in my android adventures. So I found one very good source - And then in a hurry, started making note of all the shell commands the site is explaining. To be added to my blog. Why on the earth should I do that, when there is this nice website? Because, I have a linux blog too. It is not a bad idea to improve it. And anything is better than sedentary life. OK. Let me just try to see what unique features I can add to it.  After reading and understanding it :)

Crome yellow

 If you have read the "Island", you certainly might have liked that utopian -ish story. Where people in this island are good, happy and almost have no idea of evil.  And you might try to remember his other famous dystopian novel "brave new world". But Crome Yellow is like neither. It talks about common people in common circumstances. So it better for your reading :). It is the story of Denis and his unsuccessful romantic encounter with Anne.  Well, I was happy to finish it. Now I only see my unattainable goal of 40 books in this year. Like Arjuna seeing only the fish and its eye to aim. I even selected a thriller for my next read by John Le Carre - hoping this will make finish the book overnight. Like I used to read a hundred years ago.  No, that person did not have digital idiot box then.  "Agent running in the field" is not bad. The writing style is excellent. And it's the story of a middle aged man - we can relate to that. And it is contemporary. Ta


 Now I am certain, among all people conspiring against me, God is the foremost. :) How else would you explain me getting severe back pain, the day I decided to walk in the park? Obviously the reason can't be the lifting of my silly laptop and big bag for a minute or two while climbing down the bus. Having some what enjoyed the freedom I felt during my early morning walks in home town, I wanted to extend that habit. Seven O'clock small towns are quiet, not many people, not many vehicles on the road.  I did walk yesterday ignoring mild pain. I walked today, I am certain walking is not bad for my back unlike slouching. But tomorrow, Gad may not be willing. So I searched for a pain killer in my medicine box. Only to realize 90% of the tablets there, have expired long ago. yet another display of my bad home keeping?  So I took one paracetamol tablet and ate uppittu and fell into a deep slumber. Only to be woken up in terror. I was back in my old neighborhood and my unfriendly neighb

A long journey

Sitting in my tiny seat of the bus, I started thinking about 40 years since I have started my journeys to Bangalore. That is almost 160 travels of 450 kilometres.  40 years ago, I joined my engineering college here in this city and since then have been going to and from Bangalore. And still I don’t like this journey.  So much has improved. The sleeper coaches are comfortable unlike government busses. The private buses pick us from different parts of Bangalore, so you don’t have to catch the bus from congested majestic area. And of course online ticket booking is of great help. Back in 80s, I had to go all the way to majestic to reserve the ticket. And girls were supposed to be afraid to travel alone in night bus. And so I would journey during day, sitting for 10 hours. If my memory is right, the ticket price was 50 Rupees. Now on some days, we have to pay 24 times that for one ticket.  And on reaching my home town, I would walk a kilometer with my big bag of books which would always re

Laugh - you will feel better

 After all this hard work (of searching for content from world wide net), don't we need some repose - I do.

Inventing Anna

Do you remember Ruth from Ozark - the super strong orphan who has mouth like a knife but who is somehow holding back her tears. She is Anna in the Netflix series "Inventing Anna". Anna says she is a German heiress whose trust fund money will arrive soon, and her father is super rich. She also says her father does not love her because she is not a son.  Her boyfriend is famous tech person Chase whose startup Wake is supposed to revolutionize your dreams and will help you dig deep into your subconscious and utilize the concepts from there. He travels all over the country pitching his idea and searching for investors. Anna helps him with her straight talk - what appears to be straight talk. And in turn, she spends plenty of his money for her dresses and shoes.  These things are unraveled by Vivian - a journalist who is trying to rebuild her reputation. She was assigned a metoo story from wallstreet, but she fights for this story and gets 15 days time for it. Poor Vivian, not onl