Crome yellow

 If you have read the "Island", you certainly might have liked that utopian -ish story. Where people in this island are good, happy and almost have no idea of evil.  And you might try to remember his other famous dystopian novel "brave new world".

But Crome Yellow is like neither. It talks about common people in common circumstances. So it better for your reading :). It is the story of Denis and his unsuccessful romantic encounter with Anne. 

Well, I was happy to finish it. Now I only see my unattainable goal of 40 books in this year. Like Arjuna seeing only the fish and its eye to aim.

I even selected a thriller for my next read by John Le Carre - hoping this will make finish the book overnight. Like I used to read a hundred years ago. 

No, that person did not have digital idiot box then. 

"Agent running in the field" is not bad. The writing style is excellent. And it's the story of a middle aged man - we can relate to that. And it is contemporary. Talks about brexit and trump and all. 

But not by  normal award winning - preferrably Noble prize winning author. That is OK. Reading even a thriller is better than Netflix for my mind. 



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