Eleanor Oliphant

 Eleanor is unlucky. Well, that is a very mild term. She had a very bad childhood and very large scar on her face and is socially awkward. She has none to call her own. Other than her minimal chat with her colleagues, only other person she talks to is her mother. Once a week, via telephone. 

But she is very stoic about it. When people stare at her face, she just doesn't care. Nor does she worry, when her colleagues make fun of her to her face. She is in her own world, of books, crossword puzzles and occasionally vodka. Vodka helps her fall asleep.

One fine day, she comes across a musician and decides she will court him and marry him. As he looks like a perfect gentleman, good looking and the man her mother would have preferred. She hasn't figured out how she will meet him, what she will talk etc.

But fate meets her with some one else. Raymond and Sammy. Raymond is an IT technician in her office, equally awkward, equally bad dressed. When they are walking on the road, they witness an old man falling down and losing his conscience. Eleanor wanted to just ignore him, thinking he is just a drunk. But he is not, he is an old man and has health issues. 

Raymond and Eleanor call an ambulance and take him to a hospital. And he gains his conscience and is discharged from the hospital in a few days. 

Through them, she meets people who are not strangers and are not rude to her. Now she has friends, though she does not consider them as friends. She is still obsessed with the singer and is finding ways to meet him and give him a card with a poem.

And her mother, still ridicules her, criticizes her and hurts from through phone. But still Eleanor still talks to her every week.

Eleanor oliphant is not completely fine and you feel like you want to console her, protect her and cry with her.


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