Language resources

This post does not have word of the day. Instead I have some beautiful resources for Latin and Sanskrit

Latin coloring book:

This page has a coloring books with Latin words for the young learners. Even old learners might like it. I do.

Latin online dictionary

There is this online dictionary for latin words.  

Sanskrit online dictionary

I find very very useful. It can translate sanskrit words to english and vice versa. There will be an occasional sentence. 

Note: Typing in Sanskrit may be tricky at the beginning. But English to Sanskrit always works.

Just now I noticed that the above site also has some stories in Sanskrit from Panchatantra and Hitopadesha

Green message 

This site has many shlokas. When you hover over a word in the shloka, you get its meaning - very useful I think. It also has many sanskrit grammar tools like verb conjugations, noun declensions, sample sentences also. 

Latin Charts

This site has latin grammar charts which are free of course. 


Let us end the post with some practice sentences. 

  • Agricola silvam amat. 
  • Filia agricolae silvam non amat.
  • Incolae patriam amant et bene laborant. 
  • Puellae viam monstrat.


  • श्रगाल: एकं उपायं  अकरोत् | 
  • राज: तत्र अगच्छत् | 
  • अहं अधुना पुस्तकं पठामि | 
  • त्वं  किं करोसि   ?



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