
 How many compartments are there in mind?

That is what I was ruminating while trying to read a book. 

One part of the mind was reading the not so difficult book "The sun also rises" by Hemingway.

Another part was picking sentences and trying to relate and deduce that how I was a bad person/mother/wife/daught

Yet another part was thinking will this be enough to make me fall asleep, are my eyes closing?

 And yet another irritating part was singing few lines of the song "Shankarabharanamu" in a loop.

Don't worry.  I am certain I don't have multiple personality disorder. 

But this multiple thoughts running through my monkey mind, may also mean that I am not 100% there in whatever I am trying to do. "Mindfulness" - bulls**t. Or I may have a hyperactive mind.

Anyways. Mind is just a concept. So it can't have compartments.

 And heart is the one with 4 compartments - left and right hratkarana - left and right hratkukshi - I think.

But Good news among all this chaos is, I finally completed "The four gated city". It is really an epic. It almost feels like reading one mahabharatha. So many characters, so many events and such wonderful narration. 

Particularly the last part - appendix reads like what is happening currently in our nation and other nations. 

Look at this sentence from the book -" is like while the ship was sinking, the captain and his crew were standing and saluting the flag and all the passengers were drinking and dancing and drinking. "

Don't we get this feeling - or had this feeling last year and year before, in pandemic times.

The description of how the liberties were taken away in the name of national security with no resistance from citizens, for any event there were so many irrational excuses and lies given out by authorities. And how people believed and disbelieved simultaneously all these lies along with gossips and conspiracy theories. 

We have been there. And we are still there. 

And one part of the book hasn't happened here- nuclear attack and resultant radiation which kills thousands of people and makes most part of the country uninhabitable. 

Soon after finishing that book, I googled and got a smaller book of Hemingway and started reading it. Clock is ticking away, I need to finish that book and one third of yet another book for this month's quota. (40/12 =3.33 correct?).




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