
When Kauravas and Pandavas were learning archery, there was a competition. Students were supposed to hit the eye of the rotating fish looking at its reflection down below in the vesselful of oil. And Arjuna tells, according to the story, that he can see nothing but eye of the fish.

So are our politicians. They have one aim and only one aim- the elections. Whether in power or waiting for it, all their actions, talks and plans are aimed at one and only one thing. How many votes do I get from this?

It is the fault of us - the citizens we vote more for the caste or religion based divisive agendas. We do not ask them what do you give us - we ask them what do you give me. We fall prey to populist agendas instead of developmental agendas. We do not ask them how do you plan to alleviate poverty, unemployment, under employment, what are your plans for agriculture, civic facilities. Even though we know that a politician has his own interests in mind, we chose to ignore it.

But some times we wake up suddenly and realise that we have been fooled too long and bring down a political party. Only to be moved from fire to frying pan.


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