
I have been spending last few days browsing online shopping sites. Endlessly. Not that I buy many things.

On other days, I would spend most of my time watching youtube videos and watching repeated TV shows. Why?

Because my belly is filled. And I don't know how to use the resources with me. Or I don't care so much.

So now I am asking this question to myself, my fellow countrymen and women, our media persons and our politicians.

 Do we ever think what we can do to stop these children from breaking their backs instead of playing and going to school?

 Do we think what makes this old fragile woman to labor for just to earn two meals a day?
 What about these kids? They do not have their own rooms filled with toys, books and other stuff. Their house is this cement pipe.

 This girl is picking rags so that she can earn few rupees by selling it and that money will help her parents. Who will help her family and her?

When we hail an uber or an ola just to go to next block - for shopping, this old man is pulling rickshaw with his feeble hands and shaky legs.

We wash our cars and scooters again and again until it shines. We wash our courtyard daily and decorate it with rangoli. But this little kid has walk miles for carrying pot of water with tiny little hands.

That's all fine. But what can we do? We neither have the power nor the money to help people. We are completely dependent on our husbands financially.  We are aged and not strong.

But I don't think, these factors stopped this man from cutting down a hill and making a road so that sick people can reach faster to the hospital and not die like his wife .

 What about the media? They talk on our behalf, saying again and again - nation wants to know about "ayodhya", "shabiramala","rahul gandhi's trips","prime minister's trips" etc. etc. Wouldn't the nation want to know about the terrible lives these people are leading? Won't they want to know about what measures, party A or B or C is doing/has done about them? Why won't the patriot TV anchors question about these Indians ever?

Note to bored housewives (starting with me) : There is more to life than buying stuff whenever flipkart or amazon announces a sale.

Note to media persons: There are problems worth discussing other than BJP and Congress and their fight. Which involves Indian citizens, no not naxals, not anti-nationals - the real citizens - who are waiting for some one to see and understand their problems first.

Note to politicians : People are waiting for food and roof over their heads and water to drink and clean. That is the first priority.


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