Power - less

Why is he so helpless?

Let me make myself very clear here. I am not talking about any ministers, or governments or even citizens. I am not at all talking about any mortals on this earth. Instead I am talking about mightier than all, the almighty God.

We have been told that, he is supposed to help the good and punish the bad. (परित्राणाय साधूनां, ...) But if you look at newspapers everyday, you can very well see,who is being paritranified - saved and who is being vinashified - destroyed. Why, why, why is HE letting all this happen?

Now let us look into little bit of physics.  Laws of physics says that matter can not be created , nor it can be destroyed. But the same physics laws state that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.
 Initially there was nothing.- Shunya.  No matter, no earth, no sun, no moon, no nothing. Then HE created it all. How? By conversion!!! He converted his energy to create mass.  And lord, that does need a lot of energy.  

So now HE has lost most of its energy viz power. 
Now you know the reason for powerless, helpless, mightless, almighty.  So stop blaming HIM. For all your sins. 
P.S. : Did I get my sense of humor back? Not exactly. This was an old post, posted my me way back in 2012, here



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