My God and your God

 I have been trying to translate Ashtavakrageeta to Kannada. Is it the effort of my subconscious mind to make me a little bit stoic? Or is it my silly mind just doing the things because it can. 

    By the way, any one can now. Without much effort. Because apparently google translate can translate from Sanskrit to any language.

But at times, I think the words and phrases are repeated so often in this book. For example something like - "you see yourself in all beings. And see all beings in you".(सर्वभूतेषु चात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि ).  How many times has it appeared in the book? Ya, ya, repetition makes the concept sink into my thick brain, agreed. But ye to kuch jyada hi ho gaya.

And then there is verse which says - "Know that passion and hatred are the nature of the mind. And the mind is not yours"(रागद्वेषौ मनोधर्मौ न मनस्ते कदाचन ). Alright, if the mind is not mine, then whose is it? And why do I feel the feelings of "not my" mind so strongly? 

Or is it some form of distancing from strong emotions - the concept that as this mind is not mine, these feelings, these emotions are not mine too? 

And with which mind do I distance myself from these emotions ? 

Ultimately if feels like, all these are hollow word plays (it is just my feelings. I know with my limited knowledge and intelligence, I am not able to fathom the profound wisdom in these philosophies). But the hollow word plays which temporarily gives us some peace of mind - (not "my" mind). Which is what many of us keep trying, not often successfully. Using not so healthy tools often. 

Now I have an idea - like any other art form, religion too should be recognized as an art. Everyone must have the freedom to express their gods, their commandments, their rituals according to their wish (whim?), using their medium (not "multimedia") of expression - draw, write, sing or just prattle.

So if I see my God as non-violent, benevolent, not very actively involved in our day-today lives, I should be able to imagine him so. I should be able to call my god by the name I wish - for example UG - Usha's God or any such thing as I wish. 

Similarly you can imagine your God according to your ethics and value systems. 

If it is done, then suddenly this world of ours,  may have much lesser conflicts. As each one already has his/her/their own God, there is no need for conversion. And as the diversity is a norm and necessity in this case, there will not be a need to conformity of religion. So there will not be us v/s them. 

And nations, and political parties will have to come up with a newer concept to brainwash their people. Also, many of the people, whose business is God (aptly called godmen or godwomen), will become jobless overnight and will have to work for their living like everyone else. And their gatherings, prayer meetings etc. will vanish and there could be lesser deaths in  stampedes. 



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