Not funny

I was funny.

At least by blog was. I was reading my posts from my previous blog Perpetually Perplexed

So what happened? Where did I lose my funny bone?
Nah, people can’t hack one’s mind and take away humor. Happiness and peace may be, but not sense of humor. Not as far as I know.

Am I afraid to be satirical? Unconsciously? Because I don’t want to be the fifth one to be murdered? Fifth rationalist!

Have some high titles for myself. See, I can still be funny. If I try really hard. But trying hard for anything is against my principles. 

Or I am afraid of HIM or HER(depending on whether God is a he or a she). See, the subject of my many of  funny posts was the all mighty. Now may be I feel that I can not afford to have  HIM too on the other side along with everyone else. 

So for the time being, let me be unfunny and still try to write about my uninteresting unfunny life.
23rd April 2023
So much has changed in the last 4 years. Now comedians - funny people are the traitors of this world. So I should say 'Badava nee madagida hangiru' and forget all about humor.  And to do with youtube funnies or re-re-re-re-watching some good old comedy series.


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