System-atic oppression

 Systems - most kinds of systems are in place to empower the mighty and oppress and exploit the weak. Don't you all agree?

Take religion for example. The devout person, who doesn't harm even fly, will often find himself/herself in difficult situations. The religious figure - I am certainly not naming any religion here as all are equal n this aspect. The religious figure consults with "higher power" and advises a solution - which most often does nothing but fills the pocket of said figure. Problem still persists - the victim blames self and decides god is some how angry with him/her. For being gullible?

The bank which lends few lakhs to common man sends goons to the house when he delays payment. But when the ultra - rich people try to flee the country with many crores of bank's money it asks "do you want me to pay for the flight ticket". 

The marriage works as a system where a man buys a de-facto servant in a ceremony with the blessings of thousands of people. And the wife better behave, lest she anger her all mighty savior. She accepts her plight for the physical safety it provides which is one of the basic needs in this country and others. If she ever tries to protest, she is threatened with or without physical abuse, but always with emotional abuse, of being thrown out of the house. And I am not certain, but there are are cases where the roles are reversed too. Depends on who you ask. Women will say they are always exploited in this patriarchy. Men may say, the age women oppress them. 

But in all these cases, the society always blames the victim. I am not certain whether it is to placate those in power or because it feels repulsed by the weak. 

Being a weak person, I rather not give further examples. The weather is quite bad. 


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