She is wondering whether her reliance on GPS - or her spelling out that is causing google maps to behave crazier than ever. It is showing all wrong directions - because she knows some of these places and they are not walk-able distance from her destination. 

So she would like to say Ladies never ever tell anything to everyone through social media or blog posts. She remembers a joke - " a thief walks into a house and points a knife at the lady of the house. "Give me your phone, your new watch your husband bought you for anniversary, the gold chain you bought for the festival". The lady is surprised. "How do you know all these?" she asks. "I am your facebook friend", the thief replies. 

Yet another day, yet another adventure. Imagine, how so many adventure in your mid fifties! But again, as she is always dependent on spouse for everything, even vegetable shopping alone is an adventure for her. 

But now she has started liking the Bangalore buses - the turtle like speed in which they travel, the heart wrenching sound they make and the infrequency of them. Sarcasm aside, she has realized that buses are more reliable than other modes of transport for people her age, and her capacity. And her stinginess. 

And she loves autos too. Only difficulty is she will not get one - like all Bangaloreans. Ask the driver "------ your destination". "illa" standard reply. She wondered how do they earn their living by just sitting idle and rejecting all passengers. May be they are secret police, sitting there to just observe people. 

If not anything else, she got a blog post out of the adventure.

By the way, dear apple company, no that your devices can be easily hacked by just a wifi network. Since writing this article, I am unable to even get bus route information in your tablets. 


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