Ganesha banda

Ganesha came (and he saw and he went back. Deeply disappointed -  in us. )

The thing is, I shot a photo and I want to write a story around it. 


But the problem is, unlike instagram stories, my photo is not about travel, food or anything extraordinary. It is the same photo I take around this time of the year. Of Ganesha idols waiting for you to take them home, waiting on road side.

Then like every year, I will say, that I envy the Bengaluru people for their festivities and tell same old stories of our chauti habba of childhood. Same old ghisa pita story.

But the truth is, I just happen to take that photo. As I wanted to go out, because I feel like a caged animal, sitting home 365 days. And I happened to see these idols and was happy I could click them without not of crowd around. 

 As people want to show off that they care about environment, there were many unpainted idols as well. Hopefully they are some idols of clay. Who knows, they could even be plaster of paris idols from china . Like everything else we buy.

Coming to think of it, why do we bring idol of this one God? Why not idol of Krishna on Janmashtami? Why not that of Shiva on Shivarathri? 

Is it because this God is our favorite. His art - I mean his face drawings, his idols are everywhere. 

Anyways, I clicked this photo like every year, I may go to my parents' house like every year. And the roads may be congested like every year. 




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