Deus ex machina

 Which means “God out of a machine”. This was some kind of plot used in early Greek and Roman plays. 

I heard this phrase in Murukamis book.

There is never ending pandemic all over the world. But countries are busy with their usual infightings and very dangerous power plays. The situation is worsening each day for common man. But he is instead actively participating in systematic ruination of his life. The planet is heating up, polar ice is melting, coastal towns are on the verge of inundation. There seems to be no respite in sight for our earth and our earthlings.

But suddenly God appears out of nowhere. Spreads his kind rays everywhere. COVID virus disappears. Rulers of countries are metamorphed into kind, caring, visionary leaders, who care for their people and their planet.

This is dues ex machina - a Latin phrase which translates to God out of machine. So, in early Greek and Latin plays, most often in plays of Euripides, seemingly unsolvable situation is resolved by God appearing on the screen. He is brought down on screen by some kind of a crane and he saves the day.

But alas, our lives aren’t written by Euripides to expect to be saved by God appearing. They are written very serious and very angry Russian authors.


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