The victim- Saul bellow

Leventhol- he is a typical victim, always doubting himself, finding fault with himself etc. 

That is what the beginning of a review of the book the victim by Saul bellow said. I was shocked. My description of this protagonist would have been sensitive, sentimental, to intelligent for his own good and overthinking. Yes, me. So, I unknowingly added all these nice or at least neutral attributes to this person because he is so much like me. I didn’t know this nature says - like these stand up comedians say “ aa, exploit kar mujhe”. Hu, interesting !

Anyways Leventhol is even more vulnerable because he has problems at home- not that he has usual marital problems. His wife has gone to her moms for a few days leaving him alone and lonely. Then there is Mickey - his nephew who is seriously ill. He has to worry because his brother is not in town and sister-in-law is meek and inefficient. The doctor suggests hospitalization but is not very hopeful of improvement.
In this difficult situation, Albee- his acquaintance for years ago starts stalking and attacking him. He comes one day and blames Leventhol for the miserable condition he is in.
Albee knew him many years ago and arranged an interview for Leventhol in his office. When the interview went south, jobless and angry Leventhol behaved very rudely towards the interviewer - Albee's boss. And according to Albee, the boss concluded that Albee planned this whole thing. Albee was fired. He starts drinking heavily. His wife left him. Then she died. And he could not get a job anywhere else.
"That is all very sad, but it’s not my fault" Leventhol tried to defend himself. Then he does one mistake, he allows Albee to stay in his house for one night because he was kicked out of his residence.
But Albee is at home in this new place, he wears Leventhol’s robes, goes through his mail, dirties kitchen and bathroom. When asked about these, he is not apologetic but keeps blaming Leventhol.
Leventhol finally kicks Albee out when he brings a woman to the house. He physically pushes him outside and finally is rid of this menace.
But in the night, in his sleep, he starts smelling some sweet odor and opens his eyes to find the front door ajar and kitchen lights on. Albee is in the kitchen and has opened gas valve completely. For suicide or for murder?

Yes, the story is good. And goes on to show that “satyavantarigidu Kalavalla” - this age is not for good people. 


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