Non communication

 I have finally realized what my real problem is. 'Finally' say in unison all my family members. 

My problem is lack of communications. Isn't is for all of us - the empty nesters, the almost old people, who have completed their parental duties and waiting for "yama maharaja" to do his? 

No, my case is slightly different - being an introvert, paranoid person with not so communicative spouse. And we recently moved. Recently as in 2020 March. 

Yes, the same time when this pandemic which completely shook the entire world started. We came to a new house. With a large compound, security people and a nice garden etc. etc.. But no, there are no shops or decent roads I can walk down to. 

So we know all the pandemic things what happened - all of us faced it. Lock down which seemed like lockup, the restrictions on movement etc. Followed by the the disastrous second wave.

So I could not get to know this area of our new house. And me being me, I don't know any of around five hundred neighbors. 

Initially,  I continued using social media - until it made me realize that the friends are not friends in the actual sense. Then I started posting whatsap status updates - some kind of motivational quotes, the sunrise / sunset in the sky - the only outside world I still had access to. Stopped it when I realized it does not matter. 

And this time I had wised up and decided not blog  anything personal or political. Which meant no more blogging. 

And internet was giving plenty of problems, so did my android. 

That is how friends, I ended up addicted to netflix etc, binge eating and binge watching and the actual zombie existence. 

So, let me reiterate readers- communication is the key, the actual face to face type. Interact with people, talk to them, have some good friends, maintain good relations with family, Don't end up like me.


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