It's like any other weekend. 

Woke up at 6. With tea, spent an hour on e-commerce site. When I couldn't bear the boredom any more, went to coding. Did a little bit of tweak here and there. That thing worked and this thing crashed and it was 9. 

Cooked dosas trying to have a conversation with spouse. But you know spouses, they prefer the words out of the mouths of news anchors - doesn't matter how venomous those words are. 

Cleaned a little bit more for the weekend and then tried to fix the crashing code. When it couldn't be done, came to this blog.

Added more photos to blog posts, hoping to recover some icloud space. I think it doesn't work! Should I pay for space? Ha, ha! Good joke!

If I some how drag the time for 2 more hours, I can go back to some repeat show in Netflix or hotstar and spend rest of the day in some kind of stupor. 

Yes, stupor. That's what we all want. Our means may be quite varied - TV, alcohol, God.  But the need is same - numbness. 

Why? What are we afraid of? That if we start thinking, we may attain enlightenment and become another Budha? Or we realize how meaningless this life is and never get up of bed again? 


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