Yuhi chala chal rahi

I wanted to title this post as 'Walking is for old people' and then describe the old people and their daily walks. 

Because all of us are worried, afraid, hurt. We are often condemned, insulted, ignored or laughed at - factually or in imagination. We are helpless to do anything to the perpetrators of these, we search for a soft target to redirect our anger. And I chose elderly. Which was very wrong - I completely accept my fault. My justification would have been that I am old too. Well above the half way mark, very close to obtaining senior citizen discounts. (Are there any more such discounts?)

See, the problem is I feel very uncomfortable. I am made to feel very uncomfortable in my daily walks. Because of which, on many days, I   search for newer excuse to avoid this walk. 

And I very well remember what had happened previous time, I had reduced physical activity to barre minimum. My legs - knees, ankles would hurt like hell whenever I tried to walk. So much so that I had to limp every time I get up. Not a very pleasant experience.  

So, I don't want that situation to be repeated. But I am really worried too. 

See, last Friday, I went for a half an hour walk. Came home, lunched at 2. Since then I am having upset stomach. May be when I was out of the apartment, some one might have snuck in and messed with my food. 

You see what I did there. Instead of taking responsibility for my action (overeating), I am trying to blame invisible hand. So easy to convince yourself and others that you are a  victim than taking responsibility. 

Aha, newer phrases in my vocabulary. So the book I am listening to 'The subtle art of not giving a f*' is having some effect on me. 

And I did not buy this book, but instead am listening to the audio book. And each chapter sounds interesting. May even buy a printed copy. 


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