Some photos

 When I take so many photos(badly too), the phone is  sure to complain. I need to store these images permanently some where. The multiple :) laptops I have can't be used. Don't when I decide to reinstall the OS in them. So blog them out. 

 Be thankful Bangalore. Sun has finally come out from his hiding and spreading light on the blue sky. And hopefully puts and end to all this flood situation. He should solve the problem, as we mortals seem to be incapable.

This plant - I think it is called Areca - the the fruits do look like miniature areca. But I doubt whether my spouse will be able to eat these for his pan.  

And the next white flower with multiple florets - has no fragrance and not so pretty either. (Read it as I could not catch the correct frame for it.)

And look at so many hibiscus - or is it hibiscui ? ;) It is a papa flower - a poor cousin. Doesn't ask much and flowers every day.

Next set of flowers are important as I am not sure how long the plant is going to last - as it is in my badly cared balcony. 


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