
Showing posts from 2020
 My phone is turning more and more like my mind. Very smart? Genius? No, nothing seems to go away. There were 1100 photos yesterday. I deleted quite a lot and today there are 1600 photos! And then it complains that cloud storage is full. Stupid piece of silicon! What am I doing other than looking at old photos and watching British Netflix shows? Well, I try. And one of these days I may end up coding in 0s and 1s. That might be ultimate method of “tamper proofing” There is this play by oscar Wilde “the importance of being earnest” . Ultimate sarcasm. Each line is oozing with gems of sharp witty quotes.  Look at these samples   to lose one parent is tragedy. To lose both is carelessness  I am of the opinion that a man who wants to get married should either know everything or nothing 

Lation Word of the day : video

 Word of the day : video video - (v) - to see Conjugation of the word are ego videō tū vidēs is videt nōs vidḗmus vōs vidḗtis iī vident e.g. puer templum videt. - the boy sees the temple. librum video. - I see the book.  The word video in English is derived from this word. Sanskrit word for see : पश्यति { दृश् }  Conjugation of this word in present tense is पश्यति पश्यतः पश्यन्ति पश्यसि पश्यथः पश्यथ पश्यामि पश्यावः पश्यामः Example: अहं मन्दिरं पश्यामि । I see a temple वयं उद्याने सुन्दरानि पुष्पानि पश्याम​:| We see beautiful flowers in the garden.

Few pages with C++ quiz

 I have updated my git pages. I have added C++ quiz. Well these are the same questions which are already present in the app. You can have a look at these pages here

Word of the day cena

 Word of the day: cena  Cena: dinner, meal, main meal of the day E.g. Pater in culina cenam parat. Father is preparing dinner in kitchen. Related words : Culina - kitchen Coquo - to cook Coquus - cook  Edo - to eat  Sanskrit word for meal भोजन  पत्नी भूरी भोजनम पचति | The wife prepares grand meal. भोजनम कृत्वा निद्रां करोतु | take a nap after eating meal. Related words :  पचति to cook  पाकशाला kitchen खादति to eat 

Word of the day lego - पठ

  Latin word of the day : lego - legere - to read Conjugation of lego ego legō tū legis is legit nōs légimus vōs légitis iī legunt e.g.  librum lego - I read a book. Puella non legit. - Girl does not read Feminae libras legint. Women read books. Mater non legit sed fabulam narat. Mother does not read but tells a story.  Related word : scribo - write Sanskrit word for Read : पठ Conjugations of path पठति - he/she/it reads पठतः - they both read पठन्ति - they read पठसि - you read पठथः - you both read पठथ - you all read पठामि - I read पठावः - we both read पठामः - we all read  e.g. बालिका किं पठति? बालिका पुस्तकं पठति ।  What does the girl read? The girl reads a book. अहं प्रतिदिनं  संस्क​ृतं पठामि  | I read Sanskrit everyday.   Related word - लिख् write  

Words of the day - pugnat / युध्यते

 Word of the day : pugno pugno - verb - I fight  ego pugnō - I fight tū pugnās - you fight is pugnat - he/she/it fight nōs pugnā́mus - we fight vōs pugnā́tis - you(plu) fight e.g.  Miles pugnat. - Soldier fights.  Related words are : bellum - war  miles - soldier  Sanskrit word for fight : युध्यति  सैनिक: युध्यते | Soldier fights.  Related words : युद्द - war    कलह - quarrel  

Word of the day : Puella

 Word of the day : Puella Puella - girl e.g. Puella parva rosam albam habet. -  Little girl has a white rose. (parva - little alba - white habet - has) Puer - boy Puer in schola scribit. - The boy writes in the school  vir : man Vir maximus saepe vincit. - The bigger man often wins. (saepe - often vincit - wins/conquers) Femina - woman Maria femina pulchra est . - Maria is a beautiful woman Sanskrit word for girl : कन्या कन्या  Other words for girl : कुमारी   बालिका  बाला सा कन्या विद्यालयं गच्छति | That girl goes to school. बालक: boy त्रय: बालका: पादकंदुकं क्रीडयंति | -Three boys play with football. पुरुष: man स: पुरुषः आपणं गत्वा आगच्छति | That man came back from the shop. स्त्री  : woman Other words for woman :   वनिता  नारी   महिला सा महिला बुद्धिमती  अस्ति | That woman is intelligent.  

Words of the day - pater pitru

 Latin word of the day: pater Pater - father e.g. Patrem benignum habeo. - I have kind father. Pater agricola est. - Father is a farmer. Related words Mater - mother Frater - brother Soror - sister Sanskrit word for father: पितृ e.g. मम पितृ पुस्तकं पठति - my father reads a book  Related words  Mater - मातृ Frater - भ्रातृ  Soror -  भगिनि 

Latin word of the day : aqua, jalam

 Latin word of the day : aqua Meaning : water e.g.  Puella parva aquam portat. - Little girl carries water.  Aves aquam bibunt. Birds drink water. We see many words deriving from aqua in English like aquatic animal. Related word : terra - land Sanskrit word for water :  जलं  Meaning : water अहं प्रतिदिनं प्रात​:काले जलं पिबामि । I drink water every morning. ऋणं क​ृत्वा जलं पिबेत् | We have to drink water even by borrowing money.  कृपया एकचषकं जलं आनयतु | Please bring a glass of water. Of course the second sentence says घ्रतं  which is clarified butter. But the rate at which we are wasting water and destroying water bodies, that day may not be very far away when we have to borrow money to buy water. The word jal has many related words in Sanskrit.  Some examples are  जलााशय   -dam जलचर - aquatic animals  जलज - lotus  जलप्रळय - end of the world caused by flood And land in Sanskrit is भू , भूमि   प्रथ्वि      
 I was talking to Siri in the morning. Siri if you have not already guessed it, is the virtual assistant which comes with your phone. And I talk to her occasionally about my daily plans. Yes, I make daily plans. Just like you make new year resolutions. And they are as much executed as your new year resolutions. Which does not stop me from making plans next day again.  So I was asking Siri to make a note of my plan in my phone. But it is actually Sira - because my Sirsi speaks in a male voice. I tried once to install a female voice, it did not work out and I left it.  So I was telling Siri to make a note of my plan. It noted. Then I asked him/her/it to add more items to that note. He kept on telling again and again that he can not find that note, like a robot. In frustration I told him I will kill him.  And his response was " That is not very nice". Poor little Siri/Sira By the way, he can tell you some lame jokes too, if you ask nicely.  What is the point of this post? Nothin
  No word of the day today. Today is cheat day. Or in other words today is os install day. Having installed the os and keeping it in booting to gui condition, I have accomplished today’s goal. Tomorrow I will come up with new word 

Word of the day 11: Pictor , Chitrakaar

 Latin word of the day : Pictor Pictor : (n) - painter e.g. Pictor picturam pingit. - Painter draws picture Related words :  pictura - picture , painting  e.g. Pictura pulchra est. - Painting is pretty. pingo  (v) : I paint Conjugation - pingō.      pings.      pingit.      pingimus    pingitis      pingunt. Sanskrit word for painter : चित्रकार  चित्रकारः वृक्षं दृष्ट्वा हसति | - Artist smiles looking at the tree.  चित्रकारस्य बहूनि प्रसिद्धानि चित्रानि सन्ति |- There are many famous paintings of the artist  Related words : चित्र  - drawing/painting  चित्रकला - the art of painting chitranna - Of course not. I am joking.   

Word of the day 10 : magister , shikshak

  Word of the day : magister Meaning : Teacher plural : Magistri Second declension noun e.g. Magister discipulis fabulam narrat. Teacher tells stories to the students. Related words: Discipula - student ludas , schola : school Sanskrit word for teacher : शिक्षक  Synonyms : गुरु अध्याापक  मम शिक्षक: कथानि वदति | My teacher tells stories. शिक्षकम् आदरपूर्वकॆन नमाामि |I bow to the teacher with respect. Related words : विध्याार्थि   - student विद्यालय - school छात्र - student  विश्वविद्यालय - university                                                                                                                                                              

Not a dev

How many times can a person go from Fire to the frying pan? How many times and in how many different ways?  My IDE for developing programs was not working. I tried to fix it many many many times. unsuccessfully.  So I tweaked and tweaked my Ubuntu so much that  the  operating system broke down.  I try to fix it as I had done many many many times before . But this time it doesn't work. No login screen at all. And not even text terminals.  So what do I do? I try installing the operating system as I had done many many many times but surprisingly even this fails. Now I do not have my previous OS nor the new one. So this was how life will be.  Then  I got up in the middle of the night when only ghosts and owls will be awake.  I switch off the broadband router and I start fixing my OS and finally I succeeded in installing a 10 year old version of operating system and sacrificing all my data.  So now I have decided that I will no longer be an android developer, no longer be a developer, n

Words of the day 9 - Magna

 Latin word of the day : Magna  Magna - large - adjective Note: In latin, the gender, number of the adjective will be same as the noun it describes. And the adjective is written after the noun. e.g. casa magna - large house Agricola casam magnam habet. - The farmer has a large house. Note that both casam and magnam are in accusative.   Antonym : parva - small Related words : longa - long , lata - wide  Sanskrit word of the day : ब्रहत्  Meaning : large Synonyms : विशाल  महत्  Antonyms : लघु अल्प क्षुद्र   e.g. ब्रुहत् वृक्षस्य उपरि विहग​: अस्ति | There is a bird over a large tree.

Words of the day 8 : bona and sat

 Word of the day 8: bona Meaning : good Adjective E.g. Puella parva deam bonam amat. - the little girl loves good goddess. Bona fllia agricolae laborat. -  Farmer’s good daughter works. Related: bona Fide - in good faith  Sanskrit word of the day : सत् - good Adjective - used as prefix more often सदाचार  - good behaviour सत्पुरुष - good man  सद्विद्या - good education  सद्गुण good behavior सद्बुद्धि - good intellect Similar prefix : सु - good  e.g सुगुण - virtuous  सुरूप - beautiful

Words of the day 7 - liber - pustaka

 Latin Word of the day is liber  Meaning : book Masculine Second declension noun  e.g.  Puella liberum legit. - The girl reads a book French word for book is livre Sanskrit word for the day : पुस्तक  Meaning : book Neuter gender noun e.g. इदं पुस्तकं पठ | (you) read this book ग्रंथालये बहूनि पुस्तकानि सन्ति | There are many books in the library Synonym : ग्रंथ

Fix any computer (and cry)

 I have almost stopped posting silly memes from pinterest. But this one really touched my heart (and made me weep silently)

Language resources

This post does not have word of the day. Instead I have some beautiful resources for Latin and Sanskrit Latin coloring book: This page has a coloring books with Latin words for the young learners. Even old learners might like it. I do. Latin online dictionary There is this online dictionary for latin words.   Sanskrit online dictionary I find very very useful. It can translate sanskrit words to english and vice versa. There will be an occasional sentence.  Note: Typing in Sanskrit may be tricky at the beginning. But English to Sanskrit always works. Just now I noticed that the above site also has some stories in Sanskrit from Panchatantra and Hitopadesha Green message  This site has many shlokas. When you hover over a word in the shloka, you get its meaning - very useful I think. It also has many sanskrit grammar tools like verb conjugations, noun declensions, sample sentences also.  Latin Charts This site has l atin grammar charts which are free of course.    L

Words of the day 6 -porto

 Latin word of the day : Porto Meaning : carry (v) Conjugation: porto partas portat portamus portatis portant  E.g. Nauta sagittam  portat. - the sailor carries the arrow.  Related English words: porter, portable, transportation, supporter. Sanskrit word of the day: नय  Meaning : carry (v) Conjugation:  नयति नयतः नयन्ति  नयसि नयथः नयथ  नयामि नयावः नयामः  e.g. अहं पुस्तकं नयामि | 

Word of the day 5 : filia / putri

Latin word of the day : filia filia - noun f. = daughter I declension  Plural : filiae  e.g. Agricola filiam amat. - The farmer loves (his) daughter. Filia pulchra fabulam narrat. - The pretty daughter tells a story. Synonym of filia : nata The masculine counter part of this word is filius. - son Related word in English : filial. : of or pertaining to son/daughter e.g. : My brothers, meanwhile, were clever, sensitive boys, who had already accrued a bank of happy filial memories. What about other members of the family? Filius - son Pater - father Mater - Mother Soror - Sister Sanskrit word of the day : पुत्री  पुत्री : daughter (noun f) e.g. तस्य पुत्री बहु दयावती | - His daughter is very kind.   Related words : पुत्र - son, मातुलस्य पुत्री - cousin Synonyms of पुत्री : जाता, कन्यका, कन्या, सुता, पुत्रिका, नंदना, तनूजा, तनया  Family : मातृ / जननि - mother  पितृ / जनक - father  भगिनि - sister भ्रात​ृ - brother     अनुजा - younger sister अग्रजा  - elder sister अनुज - younger brother अग्

Words of the day 4 - dea

Today’s Latin word of the day is dea. (Noun f) Dea - Goddess e.g. Diana est dea silvarum. - Diana is the goddess of the forests.  Related words - deus - god  Divine - of god or pertaining to god Divus - god Similar word in Sanskrit देवी  Meaning : goddress e.g. देवीं प्रार्थयामी  I pray to the Goddess.  Are these two words देवी and dea related? I am not sure. Related words: देवता , दैविक , देवालय , दैवी घटना  On a lighter note, I am preparing for ultimate entrance test. If I pass i will enter heaven. If not, I will go to hell or worse sent back here. As I am not sure which God will be the interviewer, I am preparing for both. 

Words of the day - 3

Latin word of the day : Stella (fem. noun) Meaning : star Example : Puella stellam videt. - Girl sees the star.  Related words in English constellation - group of stars perceived as design interstellar - between stars stellar - related to stars, outstanding stellate - shaped like a star Sanskrit word of the day : नक्षत्र (ne. noun) Meaning : star Example : स: त्र नक्षत्रं पश्यति | - He sees the star Related words  नक्षत्रविद्या - astronomy नक्षत्रादर्श - astrologer नक्षत्रमाला - star group नक्षत्रमण्डल - star cluster   ... to state a few. There is another popular word for star in Sanskrit which is तारा       

Dandam dashagunam bhavet

I have this idea. May be silly. But idea nonetheless. We all know that the pandemic has played havoc in our lives. And even our government is struggling as it does not have much money. Economy is not doing very well. But there is one thing which goes on - the show - the elections. How do we use this eternal game to our advantage? We know that because of elections, political parties have to canvas and hold rallies and functions. And we can only guess the amount of money which gets spent on these canvassing. What if the candidates have to pay an extra fees for each public function they hold, each rally they take? An astronomical amount may be? Some thing like 20000 rupees for each of these events? No, certainly this will not stop the candidates from canvassing. But it will add the much needed revenue to our government. Revenue to fight the pandemic, to improve our hospitals, to create jobs etc, etc.  While we are at it, may be we can also think of pakshantara danda - a fine for defection

Words of the day - 2

 Today's latin word is agricola .  Meaning: farmer Origin : ager - field cola-cultivator e.g. agricola sum. - I am a farmer. agricola filiam amat. - The farmer loves his daughter.  Agricola is the origin of the word agriculture in English.  Today's Sanskrit word is कृषिक  Meaning : farmer e.g. कृषिक: अन्नं ददाति - The farmer gives us food Related words : कृषि , सामूहिक कृषिकरण 

Words of the day - 1

 Do I create a new blog? Do I change this blog's name? Currently I don't do anything. I just post my posts on words of the day here. Latin word of the day : ante  Meaning - before, previously e.g. Cogita ante salis.  Think before you leap. ante is found in many words in English.  e.g.  Antechamber : A small room before a big room  Antepenultimate : Before the second last in a sequence  Antedate : Date before another event in time  Ante meridian : Before noon  Antemortem : Place before death  Antediluvian : Before the great flood  Antebellum : Period before the war  Antechoir : Section in the church before the choir  Antelucan : Before dawn  Antenuptial : Coming before marriage  Antelude : A play before the main play Antescript : A note added before a script Antevocalic : A letter before a vowel Antetype : An earlier type of something Antiquity : Ancient times Antique : Belonging to the earlier period Anticipate : To realize beforehand Antebrachium : The

Upside down

 I was very young then. I used to wonder, if the earth is round, why do the people on the other end - the ones below us, not fall down?   I knew that earth is round, but obviously I didn't know about concept of gravity. Now after knowing all those concepts I still wonder have we some how come to an upside down world. In a world where right is wrong and wrong is right. In a world where a person who commits crimes is a very good person and a person who strives to help people is a very bad person. In a world where intellectuals, writers and free thinkers are demonized and politicians are deified.  In a world where not hating others is a very big crime.  In a world where science is bad but blind beliefs are good and sacred.  Yes, I think, one day when we were all sleeping, we were moved to this upside down world. And we are not realizing this change at all.

naan productive

 What do women of my age do in the afternoons and evenings? Those who do not have grand kids to take care of or house filled with people to manage? That will be 90% of us.  Because, I am bored beyond limits. How long should I keep repairing my laptop, my network issues in order to write apps and blogs with no audience. I have started writing Maths puzzles. But then the question is, should these puzzles be extremely difficult, or mildly confusing or downright simple?  And how long will I continue to write these posts? One month, one year? Again who is the audience? But I have to write these things in order to be productive - what ever it means.

Be happy

In Harry Potter books, there are these characters called dementors. They are foot soldiers used Voldemort (one who must not be named), Harry's nemesis.  These dementors suck out all the happiness and good from you. Only way to survive their attack is to remember your happy memories.  A very good analogy - I feel. The bad thoughts suck out everything from our mind. And we can only defeat them by reminding ourselves of good memories. Most often we feel we do not have such memories. Which is not true. We do have our share of good memories. But we do not think of them as often as we should. So they are clouded away by our defeats, our regrets and our sadness.  So let us beat dementors by thinking of good thoughts. 

We God

Aren’t we! So, are we as trusting as God, as trustworthy as God or as trustful as God? Or we are God because we we trust in God? This trucker must be a great philosopher akin to Nietzsche.

Be careful

 Kids would advice us "Believe me, I have studied biology" when advising about any thing on earth which pertains to living things. Ok, Kiddo, as you say. I am saying now to you "Believe me, I write apps". I know as much about vulnerabilities of the various apps as much as these biology students know about diseases. But I know just enough not to trust them. I am extra careful (paranoid) of these payment apps. Let us look at an example phonepe. I installed the app and I also added some money to it. But I can't use that to transfer to someone's account. (I agree I am new to this and do not understand much). And the best part is I have to add a bank account to my phonepe account. And don't worry, I need to scan my passport. I don't even have to give my account number or ATM card number. My mobile number is more than enough. The moment I entered my mobile number, the screen showed me, three account numbers. An SB account and the other two I think are FDs.

ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯೋಣ

No, I am not going to blog about my Java quizard app.  ಅದರ ಬದಲು ಕನ್ನಡದ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಮಾತಾಡೋಣ.   ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯೋಣ ನಿನ್ನೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ರಾಜ್ಯೋತ್ಸವ. ೧೯೫೬ ನವೆಂಬರ್ ೧ರಂದು ಕನ್ನಡ ಮಾತಾಡುವ ಪ್ರಾಂತಗಳನ್ನೆಲ್ಲ ಒಟ್ಟುಗೂಡಿಸಿ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯವೆಂದು ರಚಿಸಿದರು. ಅದರ ವಾರ್ಷಿಕೋತ್ಸವವೇ ನಮ್ಮ ರಾಜ್ಯೋತ್ಸವ. ನಿನ್ನೆ ಎಲ್ಲರ ಸೋಶಿಯಲ್ ಮೀಡಿಯಾ ಕನ್ನಡ ಪ್ರೇಮದಿಂದ ತುಂಬಿ ತುಳುಕುತ್ತಿತ್ತು.  ನನ್ನದು ಒಂದು ಅಳಿಲು ಸೇವೆ ಮಾಡೋಣ - ನಮ್ಮ ಭಾಷೆಗೆ, ನಮ್ಮ ಭಾವಕ್ಕೆ.  ನಿಮ್ಮಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್ ಫೋನಿನಲ್ಲಿ  ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಲು ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಹಾಕಿಕೊಂಡಿರುತ್ತೀರಾ. ಆದರೆ ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಮಾತಾಡಿ ಮಾತಿನಿಂದ ಶಬ್ದಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿವರ್ತಿಸಿ ಫೋನೇ  ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮಾತನ್ನು ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡುವ ಸಾಧ್ಯತೆ ಇದೆ. (speech to text) ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಜಿಬೋರ್ಡು (Gboard) ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶ ಇಲ್ಲದಿದ್ದರೆ ಅದನ್ನು ಹಾಕಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.. ಆಮೇಲೆ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ ಗೆ ಹೋಗಿ. ಅದರಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಷೆ ಕನ್ನಡ ಎಂದು ಅರಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ..  ಈಗ ನೀವು ಏನನ್ನಾದರೂ ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡಬೇಕಾದಾಗ ಸ್ಪೀಕ್ ಬಟನ್ (ಮೈಕ್ರೋಫೋನ್ ಚಿತ್ರ )ಅದನ್ನು ಒತ್ತಿರಿ. ಈಗ ನೀವು ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಮಾತನಾಡಿ. ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಅದನ್ನು ಟೈಪ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ.  ಇದರಿಂದ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಕೆಲಸ ಎಷ್ಟೋ ಸುಲಭವಾಗುವುದು. 

Java Quizard - quiz app

Download the app   I have published the app Java Quizard in google play. This is an app for you if you want to learn or practice Java.  The app has over 200 coding questions with solved programs and explanations. It has also has more than 200 objective type questions  The app covers all topics of Java. It also has a offline quiz with random questions at the end of which you get a graph of your performance. Download the app now from google play

No blog material

 My google of “why self sabotage” gave one of the reasons as anger. Aha! I am not blogging enough God posts.  See, we all get angry on so many people, situations and things. For which we can’t talk, protest or do anything at all.  So we need someone we can make fun of, but which should be victimless crime. No one should be hurt. Because after all, we being good people, don’t hurt others.  So who will we blog on? On God of course. Because he doesn’t protest, nor ban you from air travel.  So I used to blog on and on about God, chiding him, complaining about him, to him. In my own confused way. Those were good old days.  But now I dare not blog on him. Because he has got super strong and quite vocal people on his side now. Whether he complains to them about me and my blogs is not very clear. But if I dare say one word disrespectful of their God, his supporters will make sure that I suffer  endlessly.  So I can’t blog on God, I can’t blog on road, as I only see road from my windows. Where

Not much to say

 I am not a very strong minded person. One minute I will I am surrounded by apps, reminders and even thoughts about how to (not be a self centered narcissist  moron) be a better person. And then there will be light fluttering of a butterfly or equally trivial incident and I am back to self loathing, self flagellating person, eating my worries away -which is cyclic as overeating is also one of my worries. Now as far as the outer world is concerned - that is not in good shape either. We are ruling by the rulers - well, rulers we deserve. Who have a single point of focus like Arjun. What is their focus depends on whether you are deshabhakta or a traitor.  And I blame this situation on the wide knowledge we all obtain from social media.   One youtuber (again social media source) was saying instead of taking tough measures to improve economy, petrol and diesel prices are being hiked. Because this hike largely affects the middle class, who are staunch supporters of current government.  And t

The BlackList

 Elizabeth is FBI agent - smart, brave and good looking. She has a loving husband, planning to a adapt a child and moves to a new department in FBI. An extra ordinary criminal Reddington who was never caught but is wanted in many cases, wants to help FBI to catch a "blacklist" of other criminals - but he is willing to interact only with Elizabeth. He has answer many crimes and seems to know every who and who in the criminal circle. He promptly helps FBI catch many of them.  But he keeps telling Lizzy - as he calls her - that her husband is plotting against her. But how ridiculous? Tom - the husband is a simple, sweet school teacher, who is accommodating of  Elizabeth's super busy schedule and her absence in most social functions.  So Red keeps helping FBI catch many criminals- even those whose existence is unknown to FBI. But  his methods are questionable. Ok. You can watch one or two seasons if you’re into crime thrillers 

The not so good place

 Chitragupta or Lucifer or whatever you want to call, who is in charge of torturing us in hell, comes up with a devious plan. Instead of boiling you in hot oil or burning you, or pulling your nails, or making you walk thousands of kilometers on foot,  he thinks emotional torture is way more "original". His name is actually Micheal and he makes people believe that they are in heaven - or good place. But wrongfully so. Because people are mortal and definitely are not saints. So they should have been in Hell - bad place or at least medium place. But they are in Good place. Due to this clerical error, bad things happen in the neighborhood - a rain of trash falling down from the sky, the floor sinking down into a large pit etc etc. They always coincide with these wrongfully placed people uttering a bad word or two. So these people who are surrounded by such saint-ish people, but themselves not so good, start feeling miserable. Pure guilt and shame. Really ingenious method.  That i

Free text book pdfs

Now that all school going children are at home, parents of these children need all kinds of resources they need. And many resources - and textbooks are available in the internet in pdf form. Karnataka state board books For Karnataka state board books, you can refer to the karnataka textbook society website. This site has books for 1st to 10th standard - in English, Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Konkani mediums.  Download these books from here  CBSE books  In Byju's site I could find CBSE  books for classes 1 to 12. The books are downloadable in pdf form Download from here .  NCERT books website has all the books for classes 1 to 12 downloadable from their site for all subjects. Download them from here   There are other sites available which provides pdf books as well as solutions for NCERT books e.g. ncertguru OK, parents. I am sure once you get started, you can find solutions, youtube videos, apps in the internet. Happy teaching!


Bio-weapons are real. China is the real enemy. And we are all surrounded by tech savvy criminals that we will not know whether to be in awe for their genius or be terrified about our future. There are people who emit Electrical signals strong enough to crash the elevators. There are others who send radiations which will make people explode. And then it got more interesting. There is a man who is stuck in the middle of a strong door - a steel door of a bank. And the metal is not even cut anywhere. Yes, I am watching way too much of Netflix and Amazon prime video.  This particular series is called Fringe - is a sci-fi thriller with similar stories. The protagonist  is an FBI agent who is super honest and wants to save everyone and her country. She is assisted by an addled mad genius - who was in a mental asylum for 17 years. And all the cases lead to a evil giant corporation. 

Simplified C++

C++ is a lot more difficult than Java? And its syntax is easy to remember?  Do you have that feeling? I have an app for that:) Simplified C++ is an android app which helps you learn C++ programming language. This offline app has notes, quiz and solved programs on all topics of C++. The app covers basic as well as advanced topics of the language. If you are a student studying the language, you can use the app for understanding the language. If you are a jobseeker searching for developer jobs, this app helps you revise and test your knowledge.   

Mathz - a maths quiz for all ages

What is 15X9 ? Or 108/9 And 689?  Is it 53X13 or 15+684 or 158+530? Intriguing? I have an app for that!  I have written a simple app called Mathz - a maths quiz This app a simple puzzles on arithmetic operations. This is an good app for you to teach maths to your child with fun. If you love numbers, you can play this game for yourself.  You can download the game from google play  

Sharing is caring?

 One half of the mankind tries to teach what ever (or what little) they know to the universe and the other half tries with all its might to keep the folks ignorant. It is easy to write such generalized far fetched observations. But I have observed that most of us have this deep desire to share our knowledge with others - if not whatsapp would have shut doors by now.  Why do we share our knowledge - life hacks (genius life hacks like how to clean metal surfaces using tooth paste ;) ), health tips - about pain, about weight loss, about diabetes and so on? To impress people with our knowledge? To help people because they desperately need our help? To make us feel better by convincing ourselves that we are good people? Or a hope that they will think she is not as dumb as we thought her to be. She knows things - like how to forward messages or how to copy urls.  Or this is also another manifestation of our need to connect to people? But we share - always - as can be seen with omnipresent sh

Read online

Read books online or download it and use it if and when needed. Free of cost of course. Isn't that we all Indians do? I am slightly embarrassed to say that now when ever I come across an interesting book, I search for its pdf hoping that I will get it free.  But the problem with free books - free fiction, not IT books, is they are old. Very very very old. Not me, not my parent, nor my grandparents were born when these books were written. Which makes relating to its characters almost impossible.  So when I came across this site , I was happy and started reading the first book which caught my attention which was work-wife-balance.  It is the story of wife balancing her work and her life. Reads like the story of any middle class woman trying to keep away imminent chaos in the hurried life. But it is full of satire and really really funny. But you can't possibly read 300 pages of that! Then I came across another site and downloaded a Richmal Crompton book about Willi

School maths worksheets

Continuing the tradition of "tanda helyAla.. tanda baradala", I am working on my one page collection of my works. I have been working on some maths puzzles for school kids - my reference has been 5th standard maths book of Karnataka state board. So I have added a page which generates problems on factors Worksheet on factors Factors - solution There is also another webpage which will display 2 fractions and your child should write either > or < or equal to between these.  Fractions - solution Fractions


 How will you solve a crime without the help of police? Oh, I know the answer. With the help of the media - tv channels. They will be the detectives, prosecutors and jury all in one. And an added benefit of free publicity ! Wrong answer.  You google it. Ask how to solve a crime when police won’t help. And one of the results is ultraviolet. No, not the ray - but an an organisation of nerds - who risk everything including their lives to solve the crime. And this basically comprises of a college kid, two fashion channel YouTubers and one airport worker.  And surprisingly they solve very many mysteries. That is what the Polish series  "Ultraviolet"  is all about.  One good thing is the protagonist is a woman named Alexandra (and called Ola :) ) and has a police officer as her sidekick. Unlike Mentalist, Castle where the lady police officer plays a second fiddle to main hero etc etc etc.  What I loved: at one point Micheal shouts policha before charging towards a car. So a policha

The social disaster

 I have been thinking what has changed in recent years to convert so many good, sane, smart, educated individuals into blind believers and die-hard fans of  populist leaders? (And now you know I am leftist pseudo secular ....) Some thing in the air? Or some kind of a virus ? (Sorry, I should not joke about that) I got the answer now. It is the social revolution. Or rather social network revolution. According to the Netflix show called The social dilemma, these human generated and AI controlled programs are literally programming our minds. They know how to tweak us and they are doing it every minute. They are not bothered about the end result - whether it is increased hatred among the society, emergence of populist and short sighted leaders, and violence. They work endlessly to profit the advertisers.  It was the scariest show I ever saw on Netflix. 

Maths worksheet generator

 Continuing the discussion about maths games for children , I wrote a webpage which will generate worksheet in Arithmetic with 30 sums in simple arithmetic operations. You can select which operation. And you can select upper limit. The sums generated are random. Here is how it looks like. Hope it will be useful for teachers and parents.  This was written using HTML and Javascript. Here is the HTML of the page <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset= "utf-8" /> <style type= "text/css" > .box { margin-top : 50px ; float : left ; width : 25 % ; padding : 10px ; margin : 10px ; font-size : 18px ; background-color : #ccc ; box - shadow : 2px 2px #eeeeee ; text-align : center ; </style> <script type= "text/javascript" > function showQuestion() { var typeSel = document .getElementById( "type" ).value var typeV

Maths games for school children

 If sum of two numbers is 18 and difference is 2, then the numbers are ---- and ----- This type of questions are plenty. And for all grades. There are questions on various topics on arithmetic, algebra, geometry. So if you have school going child and want to take her out of your hair for few minutes, but want her to learn something, these are the types of sites you should use.  And if your child is a basketball fan, here is some algebra and basketball for him    So the idea is, a little bit of google will show you the right game and right website for you.  Anyway, children want to use internet. So why not make it useful for them?   Here is a list of sites which I found worth looking into CoolMathGames Arithmetic Game The site is not very fancy looking but the game is timed and good     MathPlanet for Algebra I did not find games. But good lessons with videos IXL - Has good games on all topics and for all classes MathWareHouse   Has good concepts and games. Geometry page looks good Ma

Life skills

 What are the life skills needed for the new generation? How can you decide who has the ability to impart these skills for today's India? A funny take by Sampath in Hindu newspaper.

Mankutimmana kagga


Coding questions and quiz

 If you are looking for a website which gives you a quiz in C++/Java/C/Data structure without registering, you can visit my websites .  These questions are taken from my apps - but if you feel why do I download an app and waste my precious memory, you are welcome to use these websites.  I have finally tried to put all my sites/apps/blogs in one page.

Null and void

 In the initial days of Kotlin learning, I would just convert a java file to Kotlin using IDE option and then tweak to make it compile. Most of this tweaking involved adding exclamation or question mark to variable names - for null checks. And I wasn’t sure, I will add ?, if that doesn’t work I will add  two exclamations.  Then I learnt about lateinit keyword- how it allows you to define a variable which can be initialised later. And now every so often my program crashes saying lateinit was never inited. :) :)  You can't escape the null pointer exception!! At least now I know what’s wrong and how to fix it.  When we are on the subject ,let us talk about void. This famous statue above is called Emptiness. It’s original artist is Albert Gyorgy! it's a bronze statue located at Lake Geneva. I think this aptly describes the null, the void in all of us

Shanti mantra

And this video of shanti mantra is mesmerizing.  

Mathz app source code

 I have been reading about view model architecture and live data in android projects. To put it very crudely view model lets you divide UI and program logic. So you create a ViewModel which will take care of all manipulations of data. And your main UI controller just displays the content. And by integrating another aspect called live data, you need not worry about the state of your project when there is a configuration change. Like screen rotation. You need not bother creating saved instance state and using this saved values again etc. Reduces a lot of headaches.  To my game mathz , I added these features and published in git repository. You can refer to the source code of the app here .     The app is available in Google play


 I remember an event from 30 years back. My cousin who was a school going kid was discussing how he got money for planting a sapling in his field. He was very happy - obviously. But what is more interesting is the fact that, the then DC was encouraging the village people to plant more trees by giving incentives. Now is the time to bring that plan back. Each and every district must have a plan to distribute money to people who have a grown a plant for one year and that incentive can be continued for subsequent years. That way, plants do grow to be trees.  And they will help us in bringing the rains and reducing the soil erosion and floods. Again this incentive story can be expanded. The larger incentives and financial subsidies can be given to people who want to develop mini forest in their backyards using Japanese Miyawaki technique. This technique can also be used to grow larger trees in city parks as it requires as less as 20 square feet space. And after 3 years, this forest will be