English Manga and other stories

 People call her Ajji and most people do not know her name. She and her cat live in huge house with large garden.

Ajji is probably eighty but sharp for her age. Most of the day, she sits by the window. People say she has 5 children. Her eldest son is in America, her daughter who was in Bangalore has died.  Her children, grand children or great grand children never visit her.

A maid comes daily to Ajji's house and cleans the house and feeds her town gossip. This maid Sheenamma is her only window to the world.

After Sheenamma goes home, ajji analyzes the news Sheenamma gave, with the cat. She talks to the cat as she knows it can understand each word ajji says.

If some one comes to their house offering to pluck coconuts or mangoes in the garden, she sells the fruits to them keeping a few for her self.

But one day, the cat dies. Ajji telephones a shop keeper Ramanna (I think his name is Ramanna) "Ramanna, the cat is not moving. It is not eating food. Please send some one". Ramanna send Shirpati - a worker in the neigboring liquor shop.

Shirpati says "Ajji, the cat is dead" and after Ramanna's cajoling he agrees to bury the cat under a tree.

This is the story "Ajji mattu bekku" from the Kannada shorty story collection "English manga"  by Shantaram Somayaji. The title story is about a monkey which can speak English.

The stories have good narration, have contemporary themes and some how touch our heart.


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