Imperfect children

 I hear this Kannada song in Soundcloud, which has lines

   ಅಣು ರೇಣು ತ್ರಣದಲ್ಲೂ ಪರಿಪೂರ್ಣನು ನೀನು 
   ಕಣಕಣದಿ ಅವಗಣಗಳ ಕುಕರ್ಮಿ ನಾನು 

which roughly translates to
   you are perfect in each and every molecule
   but I am full of defects and am a bad person

Some how, the song touches my heart. By the way it is a devotional song and I can not remember how it starts.

So this perfect God has created men and women in his form and he made some of them fair skinned, some of them dark skinned, some of them speak one language, some speak another language.

May be, he gave one religion to some people, another religion to some other people.

So that people can hate each other and in some cases kill each other?

Doesn't sound right! At all? If we are his children, if we are his copies - for  lack of better word, then we will not be filled with so much anger and hatred. Just because some other people are different from us?

I was watching this serial "Shots fired" and being troubled by its story line. 

Here is a my analysis of this new phenomenon world wide of anger towards "others". We - each one of us need to and want to feel good about ourselves. One way to accomplish that is to think that we are better than others. How is a big question. I am so great - because I don't eat meat. I am great because I follow a religion which has a history of five thousand years. I am superior to you all because we taught civilization to you while your ancestors were illiterate workers. I am great because of the color of my skin - and because of superior race. 

Yes, surprisingly, the society today is teaching us to feel good about us, only by condemning and ill treating others. Why, what ever happened to magnanimity, kindness and love and affection? No one talks about these now, they only talk of nafarat. Why? 



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